Part 2: Colour

Here are some previously unpublished favorites from Raquel’s bridal session – there are a few from the previous post as well, though this time you get to see them in full polychromatic awesomeness. I had a great time doing Raquel’s bridal pictures in Nashville – her wedding, as well as several others, will be up soon!

sam hurd - what the heck was your light source! the color versions are sooo epic.

Leo Druker - I thought the B&W version of these was incredible, but wow.. Love the last one – drama taken to 150% – nice!

Darko Sikman - Wow. Amazing shots!!! I love the Mondrian building – way to go Nashville

Dean Govier - Sam’s right, the colour shots are soooo nice. This set is pretty special.

lindsey - the last one beautiful!

Heather - WOW these are incredible!

adam houseman - shots on the Mondrian wall are super stunning. Well done Paul. Love this set. She is stunning.